Origin Windows Cost Walton on Thames

Aluminium Windows Surrey & Middlesex

Origin Windows installation Shepperton

Stunning Aluminium Windows Surrey

There are many reasons to install aluminium windows. They’re long lasting. They’re thermally efficient. Plus, with the strength to weight ratio that aluminium provides, aluminium windows have ultra slim frames.

Unlike timber, aluminium requires minimal upkeep, making it easy to maintain year round. Don’t worry about staining or sanding these window frames.

We provide market leaders because, at Novaglass, we don’t just want to give you a good installation. We want to give you the best installation. You can read more about our suppliers.

Why Choose Novaglass?


Quality Workmanship

Our team believes in giving you the best of our talent, hard work and labour. It’s part of our high standard of workmanship that we bring to every job.


Reasonable Prices

We offer highly competitive pricing for our aluminium windows. With market leading brands like Origin, we can provide the highest quality.


Professional Service

Our team provides a total service from start to finish. We’ll communicate about our installation, process, and prices in a timely manner.


In House Fitters

With one team, we ensure that you don’t have to worry about miscommunication. You’ll always know who is in your home and who to trust.

Aluminium Window Cost Surrey & Middlesex

Use our quoting engine to find prices for aluminium windows near you. We install throughout Surrey and surrounding areas. Simply use our quoting engine to find the details you need to start your next installation.

Get in touch with our team to learn more about aluminium windows and where we work in Surrey and surrounding areas.

Key Features of Aluminium Windows

Aluminium Windows prices Shepperton

Long Life

Aluminium windows can last over 30 years, often beating out uPVC products.

Aluminium Windows prices Richmond

Thermal Efficiency

With thermal ‘breaks’, aluminium is one of the most highly insulating materials on the market.

Aluminium Windows prices Weybridge

Attractive Finishes

Unlike other materials, aluminium won’t need to be re stained or refinished.


Where are Origin windows made?

Fortunately, when you support Origin, you’re supporting a British made product. Aluminium windows from Origin are made in High Wycombe.

Do aluminium windows cost more than uPVC?

How long should aluminium windows last?

Is it worth getting aluminium windows?

guttering installation Weybridge

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guttering cost Shepperton

Contact Us

Origin Windows installation Twickenham


Origin doesn’t just make aluminium windows. They create a fully bespoke home renovation. Origin understand that the best way to improve your home’s energy efficiency is by improving your window glazing. This is why they offer double glazing as standard, with options for triple glazing as well as Argon or Krypton filled units.

These harmless gases provide an even greater level of insulation, meaning that you can get aluminium windows with an insulation level of 0.8 W/m2K. That beats any competition by a landslide.

Origin Windows installation Staines


What defines AluK isn’t just strong engineering: it’s the range. The range of products for almost every home, and every design.

We trust in the utility of AluK, which provides British manufacturing from local economies. They offer many configurations for windows and provide strong security features for homes in Surrey and surrounding areas.

Our Suppliers

Origin Features

Origin provides other fantastic options like:

  • The diverse array of configurations in open in, open out styles allow homeowners to install these windows anywhere.
  • The unique handle finishes give each window a unique touch.
  • High grade security features come as standard, whether it’s PAS 24 or police accreditation.
aluminium windows installation Weybridge

AluK Features

Furthermore, we can offer incredible aesthetic choices from AluK like:

  • Your choice of putty line, stepped edge, square, or exterior glazed chamfer profiles.
  • Dual colour options allow differing themes internally and externally.
  • You can choose between internal or external beading for greater security standards.
aluminium windows cost Weybridge
Tilt and Turn windows near me Richmond

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